What is promotion policy

Promotion policy is a “filter” working on per-request basis that determines what gets inserted (promoted) into the cache. This filter is meant to limit cache pollution resulting from insertion of rarely accessed data (e.g. I/Os resulting from Ceph scrub operation). If promotion policy rejects a request it is handled in pass-through mode, similarly to what happens when request couldn’t be inserted into cache because of other reasons (e.g. unable to evict enough cache lines).

Currently OCF implements only nhit promotion policy.

Nhit promotion policy


Nhit promotion policy works by tracking accesses to core lines and allowing cache insertion for those which were accessed insertion_threshold times. Nhit policy will let all requests through and won’t count any accesses until cache occupancy reaches trigger_threshold%.

Because of per-request nature of promotion policy nhit will only let through such request that all core lines belonging to it were accessed at least insertion_threshold times. E.g. given request to core lines 100 and 101 if line 100 was accessed more than insertion_threshold number of times, but 101 was never seen by nhit then such request would not be promoted to cache.

Additionaly any hit or partially-hit requests are promoted to take advantage of already-cached data.


Nhit promotion policy will accept following parameters:

  • trigger_threshold - cache occupancy (in %) before nhit promotion engages. Before reaching this trigger no request will be tracked and every request will be promoted to cache. This trigger is not a latch - nhit will disengage after occupancy falls below the trigger_threshold value. Set to 0 for always-on behavior.
  • insertion_threshold - number of times the tracked core line needs to be accessed before promotion.

Nhit algorithm

Early i its generic I/O request handling, OCF calls into promotion policy with ocf_promotion_req_should_promote callback. Nhit then performs following operations:

  1. If cache occupancy > trigger_threshold then return true
  2. For each core line in request:
    1. If core line is tracked then increment its access counter and check if insertion_threshold is exceeded
    2. If core line is not tracked then start tracking
  3. If all core lines’s access counter exceeded the insertion_threshold or request is hit/partial-hit then return true, else return false

Metadata footprint

To conserve system memory nhit promotion policy will count limited amount of core lines tracked in its internal structures. Maximal number of core lines tracked is equal to NHIT_MAPPING_RATIO * cache_capacity_in_clines. NHIT_MAPPING_RATIO is a compile-time constant currently set to 2.

Core lines tracking

Core lines metadata is stored in a ring buffer type of structure which also dictates the insertion/eviction mechanism for tracked core lines. Whenever new core line needs to be tracked the ring buffer pointer is advanced by one and core line occupying slot pointed at is evicted and new core line is inserted. This means that not-promoted core lines will be evicted after NHIT_MAPPING_RATIO * cache_capacity_in_clines untracked core lines were seen. Other circumstances in which core lines would be purged from nhit are:

  • core line was a part of request that was promoted and subsequently inserted into cache
  • core line was a part of discard request